Our Mission Now, More Than Ever

Women need our help more than ever before! The fallout of a global pandemic hit women, particularly women of color, very hard. A majority of jobs lost were held by women. Jobs such as retail, hospitality, medical office staff, and daycare, which in many cases were low paying jobs, have now been eliminated for many of the women we serve.

Women's Rights Information Center has always been a place for women of any age and at any point in their lives to gain career, life, and resource-building skills that can change the direction of their economic futures. Now our mission's imperative is even more critical, as we work with added urgency to respond to the increased needs of our community. WRIC stands tall as a beacon of hope for all who need encouragement, assistance, and practical solutions to all that is happening in today's environment.

Some of our powerful life-transforming programs such as English as a Second language, never missed a beat, as we were able to move all our classes to an online format. For those that rely on our job coaching, training and computer instruction, we now offer these services online. Our Shared Housing Staff are procuring suitable and stable shared-living situations for clients in need of a place to live. For single parents, we are securing much-needed supplies like food, diapers, and wipes. For our senior clients, we have connected them to volunteer buddies to reduce isolation. We are presenting community workshops on parenting, meditation, and staying positive. And our legal consults are taking place via teleconferences.

In addition to the bleak economic picture that women face, you have undoubtedly heard that homelessness, domestic violence and sexual exploitation, which is basically the buying and selling of human beings, (let that sink in), are all on the rise, as there will always be those who exploit the pain of others. But the powerful antidote is people like staff, volunteers and the community change makers of Women's Rights Information Center. We are here to serve,    defend     and help women achieve freedom and economic self-sufficiency.

We are particularly proud of our women's support group for our survivors of crime; we have continued to provide crisis intervention, counseling, and referrals. One of the most heartbreaking yet powerful services we provided during these challenging quarantine months was to help several families relocate from abusive homes, and a single young woman to escape a human trafficking situation. We, together with you, funded relocation fees and bought air mattresses and comforters for these families to sleep in peace and safety.

Women's Rights Information Center works in tandem with you to solve problems and protect women from those who seek to do them harm. Your generous spirit, especially at this time, is so appreciated. Thank you for partnering with us and trusting us to be the helpers to women in need. We are looking forward to looking back with you, and we will always remember how you Community Change Makers helped us support vulnerable women and children. Our love is with you during these times of uncertainty...but also of inspiring bravery.

Lil Corcoran, LPC
WRIC Executive Director

Ernie Sprance